So, this is an experiment.
I had been working on a music/whatever blog over at Wordpress, and eventually, I kinda gave up on it.
Then, I had this new idea for a blog. A blog that would explain my personal philosophy after building on it for years in University. After working on that for a while, I realized that it's fun, and commenting on other blogs is fun, and most importantly - most people I care about are using blogspot, not wordpress.
So, for your entertainment, I'm moving the wordpress blog over here, and hopefully updating it a little more often than I used to.
Here is a much improved version of the first post I made back on May 1st, 2008:
Well, I have a blog. That would be exciting, if I knew anyone would read it.
Imagine, if you will (you must!), the kind of blog that talks about things that don’t necessarily interest you, but in a terribly interesting way.
While you're imagining that, go ahead and read this blog.
It's gonna be chock-full(ish) of articles about my opinions on the music industry today, the woes of being an amateur photographer, top-ten lists, and movie/album reviews, and dumb videos. Hopefully by the time you realize that you the kind of blog I mentioned up there doesn't really exist, you'll have figured out that this is the kind of blog that actually does interest you in a non terrible sort of way.